This morning I thought about what I wrote at the beginning of “My Story” on my website:
My mother is very proud of me. She thinks I have the Midas touch.That is, I suspect, an attempt on her part to neutralize just about the first words spoken about me.I was just born. My parents stood in front of the window of the baby nursery, admiring their son (in those days – 1953 – newborn babies were placed alone in the baby nursery) . The grandparents of another baby stood at the same window.Admittedly, I was not big. But apparently there was something else about me other than my size that prompted one of the other grandparents to say – without considering who might be standing next to them – “isn’t that pathetic!”.I heard nothing of this. My parents were stunned at these words but my mother’s pride in me could not be shaken.
Fifty-three years later the end of that story still applies to me:
Should my mother be proud of me? I think it would only be honest to say “yes” in answer to that question. I am involved in profitable ways with people and both Cyndi and I are professionally and privately contributing to our society. We are still married and our children are healthy and well. Our life is stable, but not at all boring. Every day is different and we have the opportunity to travel and pursue our hobbies.
I am so thankful for Cyndi, my wife of more than 32 years, and all our children: Sarah and Aaron, Ben and Ramona, Will and Mariana. Not to mention our grandson Jeremiah. (There are hundreds if not thousands of other people I could mention also. I'm thankful for you too!)
The foundation for my life has been and continues to be God’s grace. Psalm 27 is my favorite Psalm and Bible passage.
The LORD is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?
The LORD is the stronghold of my life— of whom shall I be afraid?
I am still learning not to be afraid, and to swim in the endless sea of God’s grace. It is wonderful!
And through the difficulties of life – that I also experience – this verse keeps me on course:
I am still confident of this:
I will see the goodness of the LORD
in the land of the living.
I wish you all a very blessed day!
Don’t be afraid, and expect good things!

Happy birthday dad! I guess you have come full circle - celebrating another birthday in Africa.
Happy Birthday! We hope your day is great! Love Caleb and Moni
Happy Birthday- Good to read your thoughts.Hope today is a very special day-with Carol and Daryl. We are thinking about you today.
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